On Wednesday, Telegram said that it is expanding the revenue streams available to content creators on its network. Most significantly, the network is introducing paid monthly subscriptions that users may buy using Stars, the app's virtual currency, to access additional content created by creators.

Now, users can join a channel in return for a monthly Star payment using invite links created by content providers. The purpose of the function is to give content creators the ability to monetize their work in a manner akin to Patreon by charging for additional or early access.

In addition to being able to choose the price for their work, creators can exchange Stars for subsidized advertisements or the cryptocurrency Toncoin. The amount of the commission that Telegram receives from Stars-related transactions is unknown.Star Reactions, another feature that Telegram is introducing, lets users give their preferred content creators direct support. Star Reactions is comparable to the "Super Thanks" function on YouTube and the Tips option on X. With the Reactions function, creators receive all of the Stars that are awarded to them.

The new functionalities expand on Telegram's ongoing initiatives to make the platform more profitable for creators. Telegram introduced ad income sharing with creators a few months ago, and this month the business began allowing producers to post paid content to their channels. With 950 million active users as of last month, Telegram hopes to surpass one billion users this year. This news coincides with that goal. Founder of Telegram Pavel Durov stated earlier this year that the business plans to turn a profit the next year and is thinking about going public.

Telegram Unveils New Monetization Tools for Creators to Boost Earnings


On Wednesday, Telegram said that it is expanding the revenue streams available to content creators on its network. Most significantly, the network is introducing paid monthly subscriptions that users may buy using Stars, the app's virtual currency, to access additional content created by creators.

Now, users can join a channel in return for a monthly Star payment using invite links created by content providers. The purpose of the function is to give content creators the ability to monetize their work in a manner akin to Patreon by charging for additional or early access.

In addition to being able to choose the price for their work, creators can exchange Stars for subsidized advertisements or the cryptocurrency Toncoin. The amount of the commission that Telegram receives from Stars-related transactions is unknown.Star Reactions, another feature that Telegram is introducing, lets users give their preferred content creators direct support. Star Reactions is comparable to the "Super Thanks" function on YouTube and the Tips option on X. With the Reactions function, creators receive all of the Stars that are awarded to them.

The new functionalities expand on Telegram's ongoing initiatives to make the platform more profitable for creators. Telegram introduced ad income sharing with creators a few months ago, and this month the business began allowing producers to post paid content to their channels. With 950 million active users as of last month, Telegram hopes to surpass one billion users this year. This news coincides with that goal. Founder of Telegram Pavel Durov stated earlier this year that the business plans to turn a profit the next year and is thinking about going public.

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