The latest release of Android Studio, version 4.1 includes improvements to the importing of TensorFlow Lite models into Android apps and also features a database inspector.

While the previous version of the official IDE for Android development, Android Studio 4.0 brought some exciting features like Motion Editor and Build Analyzer; with the new Motion Editor as a simple visual design editor for the MotionLayout type, making it easier to use the MotionLayout API to manage motion and widget animation in applications.

Now, Android Studio 4.1 improves on machine learning support via TensorFlow Lite models within Android projects, and generates classes so that the models can be run with less code and better type safety.

What's New in Android Studio 4.1?

Android Studio 4.1 made debut on October 12, boasting of the inclusion of database inspector, which enables querying of an app’s database, irrespective of if it uses the Android platform version of SQLite directly or the Jetpack Room library.

The values can then be modified using the database inspector, with the changes seen in apps and it also makes it easier to navigate dependency injection code by providing a new gutter action and extending support in the Find Usages Window. Find other new capabilities in Android Studio 4.1 below:

  • Android Studio Memory Profiler now includes a Native Memory Profiler for apps deployed to devices running Android 10 or later.
  • Android Emulator can now run directly in Android Studio, which conserve screen real estate and enable navigation quickly between the emulator and editor window using hotkeys.
  • Templates in the create New Project dialog use Material Design Components and conform to updated guidance for themes and styles by default.
  • Android Studio Profilers can now be accessed in a separate window from the primary Android Studio window, essentially for game development.

Additionally, C/C++ dependencies can now be exported from AAR (Android Archive) files, and there is symbolification for native crash reports, with updates to Apply Changes allowing for faster builds.

How to Get Started with Android Studio 4.1

Android Studio 4.1 can be downloaded from the Android Studio developers website, with the latest versions of the Android Gradle plugin and Google Maven dependencies to build your project offline available here.

And if perhaps, you don't want to install Android Studio, you can download the basic Android command line tools and use the included sdkmanager to download other SDK packages.

Android Studio 4.1 improves on the importing of TensorFlow Lite models

The latest release of Android Studio, version 4.1 includes improvements to the importing of TensorFlow Lite models into Android apps and also features a database inspector.

While the previous version of the official IDE for Android development, Android Studio 4.0 brought some exciting features like Motion Editor and Build Analyzer; with the new Motion Editor as a simple visual design editor for the MotionLayout type, making it easier to use the MotionLayout API to manage motion and widget animation in applications.

Now, Android Studio 4.1 improves on machine learning support via TensorFlow Lite models within Android projects, and generates classes so that the models can be run with less code and better type safety.

What's New in Android Studio 4.1?

Android Studio 4.1 made debut on October 12, boasting of the inclusion of database inspector, which enables querying of an app’s database, irrespective of if it uses the Android platform version of SQLite directly or the Jetpack Room library.

The values can then be modified using the database inspector, with the changes seen in apps and it also makes it easier to navigate dependency injection code by providing a new gutter action and extending support in the Find Usages Window. Find other new capabilities in Android Studio 4.1 below:

  • Android Studio Memory Profiler now includes a Native Memory Profiler for apps deployed to devices running Android 10 or later.
  • Android Emulator can now run directly in Android Studio, which conserve screen real estate and enable navigation quickly between the emulator and editor window using hotkeys.
  • Templates in the create New Project dialog use Material Design Components and conform to updated guidance for themes and styles by default.
  • Android Studio Profilers can now be accessed in a separate window from the primary Android Studio window, essentially for game development.

Additionally, C/C++ dependencies can now be exported from AAR (Android Archive) files, and there is symbolification for native crash reports, with updates to Apply Changes allowing for faster builds.

How to Get Started with Android Studio 4.1

Android Studio 4.1 can be downloaded from the Android Studio developers website, with the latest versions of the Android Gradle plugin and Google Maven dependencies to build your project offline available here.

And if perhaps, you don't want to install Android Studio, you can download the basic Android command line tools and use the included sdkmanager to download other SDK packages.

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