The Web is dynamic - right from the kind of code you use to build your website to the aesthetic design you adopt, there's a lot that needs updating from time to time. Keeping a website up to date is an essential part of maintaining its popularity. Not only do you need to ensure that it's always functional, but you need to keep an eye on its level of appeal and ability to attract newcomers.

Right here, we'd consider a few things you can do to keep your site up to date.

Check your SSL certificate

Security is becoming an increasingly important issue for web users. After a number of large scale hacks and leaks in recent months, there's good reason for the average web user to be careful.

SSL certificates are a great way for users to stay safe online and a great way for website owners to prove that their site is safe. By using an SSL checker you can ensure your certificate is up to date and this will help to provide piece of mind for your online visitors.

Use the latest code

As browsers are changing and getting updated, and the languages they read are changing, it equally affects how your website is presented to visitors. It's a good idea to ensure you're using the most up to date codes to ensure that your site displays as good as possible; regardless of what browser your visitors are using.

Keep it mobile-friendly

As smartphones adoption is increasing, also too amount of web traffic coming through mobile devices. The result of this is that there is a greater demand for mobile-friendly web design.

Whether your website design is a dynamic mobile-friendly or you implemented a dedicated mobile version, it's all up to you, but mobile visitors need to be catered for one way or another.

Use fresh content

It's not just functionality that you need to keep an eye on when you're looking to get your website up to date,  fresh content is, of course, hugely important. Fresh content is essential if you're looking to attract regular traffic to your site. It is also needed to lure previous visitors back time and time again.

Coding, Mobile and SSL Check: Tips for keeping a business website up to date

Microsoft unveiled its next generation operating system, Windows 10, against the expected numbering continuum - skipping 9 to 10, with supposed integration of the new OS across desktop and mobile platforms, as well as Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

Even as analysts have predicted the future Internet as "an evolving convergent Internet of things and services that is available anywhere, anytime as part of an all-pervasive socioeconomic fabric, made up of converged services, and shared data", Windows 10 represents a whole new generation of technology in that aspect.

Windows 10 will deliver the right experience on the right device at the right time, and it will be the most comprehensive platform ever, stated Terry Myerson, VP of the OS group at Microsoft.

Microsoft's biggest challenge, however is likely to be in developing an entirely converged desktop-to-mobile cum everything-else platform as related to integrating the experience and functionality of applications between desktop and mobile platforms.

The company have planned a converged application platform for developers, across all devices, with a unified application store. But, given the claim that a unified operating system can operate any application across any device; the user experience may be anything but seamless.

For now, what is sure is that Microsoft is keen to create a consistent user experience across every device.

Windows 10 "technical preview" will allow PC users to experiment with new, and carried-over Windows functions, and submit feedback/suggestions before Microsoft commits to a specific release date. You can join the Windows Insider Program to download the Windows 10 Technical Preview and try out features like the new Start menu, multiple desktops, snap enhancements, and others.

Windows 10: Convergence of the Desktop and Mobile platforms

In this age of information technology, there are people that only work on Mac computers and others that feel more comfortable on the Windows server, even though information is not easily shared between these two systems.

While some others feel somewhat comfortable using both of the computers, it becomes hectic when employees or students need to flip back and forth between the systems.

And to solve the issue, iRAPP allows users to remote their desktop between both servers, with the information between the two servers intact, so people can cut down from using two computers. It doesn't stop there, you can also access all the information that you need for work on your iPad, iPhone, and Android products.

The whiteboard video above better explain how it works. Now you can feel comfortable using the computer and server that you're used to while accessing the information that normally cannot be accessed on that particular desktop computers.

Whiteboard Video: Remotely access files on Mac from Windows PC using iRAPP