The emerging web standard, HTML5 is generating an intense debate as to the inclusion of copy-protection as proposed by its leading advocates: Google, Netflix and Microsoft Corp. Hypertext Markup Language, HTML5, which has revolutionized web content creation, making it possible to include streaming video and audio to web pages lacks mechanism for Digital Rights Management (DRM).
The web contents DRM is an encryption mechanism which permits only authorized access to video and audio. It invariably prevents unauthorized usage and distribution of web contents.
Adobe Flash Player, is an example of platforms that support DRM and copy protection, whereby commercial web video industries employ it through browser plug-in to protect their contents. But, how the open standard can effectively implement such mechanism without infringing on the pros of the popular technology remains a daunting task.
The staunch editor of the HTML standard, Ian Hickson, has completely opposed the move and stated categorically that the proposal is "unethical and should not be pursued", according to a W3C mailing list.
The obvious reason for the push for the proposal by leading web technologies is the rate at which commercial TV and video companies throng to the World Wide Web Consortium. And developers on the contrary have stressed the difficulties in coding video and audio tag as HTML does not support content protection.
The MegaUpload web portal law suit for infringement on copy-righted materials is a case in point for arguments in favor of the proposal.
But, would the HTML5 video copy protection, not in effect bring-up the enthroning of browser plug-in all over again?
The web contents DRM is an encryption mechanism which permits only authorized access to video and audio. It invariably prevents unauthorized usage and distribution of web contents.
Adobe Flash Player, is an example of platforms that support DRM and copy protection, whereby commercial web video industries employ it through browser plug-in to protect their contents. But, how the open standard can effectively implement such mechanism without infringing on the pros of the popular technology remains a daunting task.
The staunch editor of the HTML standard, Ian Hickson, has completely opposed the move and stated categorically that the proposal is "unethical and should not be pursued", according to a W3C mailing list.
The obvious reason for the push for the proposal by leading web technologies is the rate at which commercial TV and video companies throng to the World Wide Web Consortium. And developers on the contrary have stressed the difficulties in coding video and audio tag as HTML does not support content protection.
The MegaUpload web portal law suit for infringement on copy-righted materials is a case in point for arguments in favor of the proposal.
But, would the HTML5 video copy protection, not in effect bring-up the enthroning of browser plug-in all over again?